These years it can be tough to observe prepared with all that you have to do. So, having an easily accessible calendar is key. And if your choice is Google Calendar, and then you're using extraordinary of the most democratic digital calendars out on that point.

You probably have the Google Calendar app on your mobile gimmick, but what about your desktop? You should be healthy to easily open Google Calendar while working on your computer.

To aid you bewilder admittance to Google Calendar more quickly on your desktop, here are five handy slipway to do it.

Get Google Calendar on Windows

If you're a Windows user, Here are two identical simple ways to invest Google Calendar on your desktop.

Expend the Calendar App

Your Windows computer comes with a default calendar that lets you connect a Google account in addition to former types of calendars. If you're using the Calendar application for the first clock time on Windows, follow the prompts to get set raised.

If you already use Calendar happening Windows, follow these steps to connect your Google Calendar.

  1. Staring the Calendar app and click the Settings button (gear icon) on the let down leftish.
  2. Select Manage Accounts in the right-hired man sidebar that appears.
  3. Choose Add Explanation and then pick Google.
  4. Sign into your Google Account.
  5. Once you successfully connect to your Google account, you'll see a confirmation message. Click Done in that window.

You can then close the Settings sidebar and head back to the Calendar.

Chink the Expand button on the top left of the app to open the sidebar. You'll witness the Google history you just added, so make confident to check the box next thereto.

Use the Microsoft Prospect App

Maybe you prefer to use the calendar in Outlook on your Windows computer. If indeed, you can hyperkinetic syndrome your Google Calendar to it.

You'll need to start past grabbing a link to your calendar in iCal format from the Google Calendar site. So, point to Google Calendar online, check in, and and then follow these steps.

  1. In the left-give sidebar, clink the Options button (deuce-ac dots) close to your calendar and pick Settings and unselfish.
  2. On the succeeding screen, scroll down to the Integrate calendar section.
  3. Copy the tie-in in the Secret computer address in iCal format box.
  4. Open Outlook along your electronic computer and blue-ribbon the Calendar with the button at the bottom of the left-hand sidebar.
  5. Click the Home chit and then Add in the laurel wreath.
  6. Take From Internet.
  7. When the small window pops acceptive, paste in your iCal link and click OK.
  8. Substantiate you want to tie the calendar past clicking Yes.

Now, when you expand the left-hand sidebar in Outlook's calendar section, you should see your Google Calendar account. Mark off the box following thereto to view your Google Calendar alongside your unusual calendars.

Acquire more about syncing Google Calendar with Lookout.

Get Google Calendar on Macintosh

If you're a Mac user, you can put Google Calendar on your desktop quite easily.

Wont the Calendar App

Malus pumila's Calendar app is the near obvious and easiest for accessing Google Calendar. If you're using Calendar for the first time happening your Mackintosh, adopt the prompts for a fresh start.

If you already usance Calendar, follow these steps to put up up your Google Calendar in it.

  1. Open the Calendar app so click Calendar > Accounts from the menu bar.
  2. Choose your account type, which would be Google for your Google Calendar.
  3. When you see the pop-up message instructing you to fleshed out the sue on the web, clack Open Web browser.
  4. Signboard into your Google account.
  5. Once you successfully connect to your Google account, you'll receive a propel to pick the apps you want to use for it. Deterrent the boxwood next to Calendar and optionally others, if you alike.
  6. Click Done.

You can then close the Internet Accounts window and head backmost to Calendar.

Click the Calendars button at the top of the app and you'll see the Google story you retributive added in the sidebar. Only make sure to check the boxful next to IT and you're set!

Set about Google Calendar happening Either Chopine

As you rear see, connecting Google Calendar to your data processor's default calendar is the simplest way to convey Google Calendar on your desktop. But there are a few other options you mightiness consider.

Use a Browser Extension phone

While this method doesn't technically put Google Calendar on your desktop per se, you can still get at it without going to the actual website.

Checker Plus for Google Calendar is a grand free browser extension that plant with both Firefox and Chromium-plate.

At one time you set up the Google Calendar accessory you can simply click the handy button in your browser's toolbar. You can search your hot calendars, quickly add an event, and deepen your view from agenda or list to 24-hour interval, week, or month.

Google Calendar for Chrome is another convenient annex. This tool around obviously solely works with Chrome, but one time you instal IT, you can see what you wear your agenda for the day with the toolbar button. And you can add events with the plus clitoris at the top.

Use a Desktop Shortcut

Ace more way to get Google Calendar on your desktop is with a reniform shortcut. This method besides works on both Windows and Mac.

  1. Open Google Calendar in Chrome and check in.
  2. Click the Custom-make and Control button on the top right-wing of the Chrome windowpane.
  3. Blue-ribbon More Tools > Create Shortcut.
  4. Name your shortcut and click Make up.
  5. And then navigate to the spot holding your shortcut and puff it to your desktop.

To usance the shortcut, double-click and you'll XTC right to Google Calendar using your default option browser.

Get Your Google Calendar

Google Calendar whitethorn not currently take over a screen background app that you can download and use. But with these options, you don't want incomparable!

Which method acting for putting Google Calendar on your desktop coiffe you plan to practice? Let U.S. know!